
I, a Muse

I recently wrote an article for City with Maria Pettersson about pheromones you can buy in sex shops. I just found out that a website called has recorded a song about our article. This is the first time anything I’ve written or made has been inspiration for song.


Tein Kumppani-lehteen haastattelujutun kurdiohjaaja Bahman Ghobadista. Ylläoleva kuva on jutusta, ja ihan itse ottamani! Itse juttu on myös verkossa.


Tän päivän Hesarissa on peräti kolme mun tekemää videopeliarvostelua. Mukana on isompi juttu Fallout 3:sta (josta ylläoleva kuva on peräisin) ja joukko miniarvosteluja, joista Fable II ja LittleBigPlanet on mun aikaansaannosta ja Mirror’s Edge ja Dead Space Jussi Ahlrothin käsialaa.

Abandoned Antarctica

The web publication Dark Roasted Blend has an article about photos of abandoned places in Antarctica. These are from Deception Island: These are from the island of South Georgia, long a base for whaling operations: via Ectoplasmosis!

Antarctic Research Blog #82 – Retrograde

Film: Christopher Kulikowski: Retrograde (Luxembourg, Italy, U.K. U.S.A. 2004) Ed Wood’s Plan 9 From Outer Space is not the worst movie in the world. The worst movies are like this Dolph Lundgren late career vehicle, cheap, pointless and soulless things with no personality whatsoever. Retrograde’s Antarctic elements are surprisingly accurate, Continue Reading

Race in D&D

The way race is treated in Dungeons & Dragons and other fantasy stuff becomes harder to swallow as I get older. Even when I played the game as a kid, I had trouble with the orcs and goblins because there was just no real world equivalent to the idea of Continue Reading