
Research Blog Antarctica #51 – Ice Reich

Fiction: William Dietrich: Ice Reich (Warner Books 1998) A competent thriller / love story set during the second World War, Ice Reich takes as its starting point the historical Nazi Antarctic expedition. Dietrich has chosen to discard all historical detail except the name of the expedition ship, Schwabenland. It may Continue Reading

Research Blog Antarctica #50

Poetry: Chris Orsman: South (1996/1999, Faber and Faber) A New Zealand poet, Orsman travelled to Antarctica in 1998. He has a tenuous (but funny) family connection to Robert Falcon Scott, and this poetry collection is about Scott’s ill-fated expedition to be the first to the South Pole. The poems never Continue Reading

Research Blog Antarctica #49

Non-fiction: Robin Burns: Just Tell Them I Survived! – Women in Antarctica (Allen & Unwin, 2001) A scholarly book about the experiences of women at Antarctica. The author is Australian, and the focus of the book is on the experiences of Australian women within the Australian Antarctic program. This is Continue Reading

Marital Bliss

I’m now a married man. The ceremony took place in Las Vegas, NE, on the 7th of July. It was witnessed by two Elvises and a pink Cadillac. The bride and now my wife is Maria Pitkänen. America: