A larp about salvation through sin among the Followers of Christ’s Faith, a small sect in the final days of Czarist rule in Russia.
Run 1 was played on 16.-18.11.2021 and run 2 on 19.-21.11.2021
Run 3 was played on 26.-29.9.2024
Participants: 40
Location: Orivesi, Finland
Duration: Runs 1 and 2 were three days, run 3 was 4 days
To be redeemed, you must first sin. If your conscience is clean, what is there to forgive?
Redemption is a larp set in the last years of the Romanovs in Russia. Nobility, revolutionaries, artists and socialites wastrels come together in a yearly celebration of their faith among a religious sect that believes that redemption is the highest value of all.
And to be redeemed, you have to sin. Even if you’re the purest of souls, you know that your fate in the afterlife will not be pleasant unless you wallow neck-deep in moral filth.
Credits (Runs 1 and 2)
Concept and characters: Maria Pettersson
Creative lead: Juhana Pettersson
Producer: Massi Hannula
Audio design: Anni Tolvanen
Scenography: Nino Hynninen
Kitchen: Emma Uronen, Emi Maeda and Annika Ihatsu
Documentation: Kai Simon Fredriksen
Produced by Pohjoismaisen roolipelaamisen seura
Credits (Run 3)
Concept, design and characters: Maria Pettersson
Creative lead, design: Juhana Pettersson
Producer: Massi Hannula
Audio design: Anni Tolvanen
Scenography: Nino Hynninen
Kitchen: Emmi Välkki with Iris Meri
Production assistant: Zacharias Holmberg with Jukka Seppänen
Documentation: Kai Simon Fredriksen
Produced by Pohjoismaisen roolipelaamisen seura
Kai Simon Fredriksen’s photoset from run 1.
Kai Simon Fredriksen’s photoset from run 2.
30.3.2021 – Loki: Synti ja pelastus
2.12.2021 – Moreenimedia: Larppaaminen vie matkalle toisenlaiseen maailmaan ja tuo yhteisöllisiä kokemuksia – “Larpissa voit olla hetken aikaa toinen ihminen”