A larp based on Vampire: the Masquerade produced by Participation Design Agency with White Wolf Entertainment. It was organized as part of the World of Darkness: Berlin fan event.
Date: 12. 5. 2017
Participants: 200
Location: Friedrichshain, Berlin, Germany
Venues: A dozen venues, including two nightclubs and a church.
Duration: One night
Enlightenment in Blood is a massive urban larp about the first night of the revolution in Berlin’s vampire society. The young have had enough pf the repression they live under and explode into action, taking the city into their own hands.
Because of the scale of the larp, it was an attempt at creating a simulation of an entire vampire city in turmoil.
Lead designer and writer: Juhana Pettersson
Designer: Bjarke Pedersen
Writers: Sarah Lynne Bowman, Mika Loponen, and Jesper Kristiansen with David Pusch & Daniel Thikötter
Producers: Bjarke Pedersen & Johanna Koljonen
Producer (locations): Zora Hädrich
Werewolf ritual design: René Kragh Pedersen
Character creation design: Bjarke Pedersen, Juhana Pettersson & Matthew Webb
Character creation tool (Larpweaver): Matthew Webb, Samuel Phelps & Riley Seaman / Incognita Limited
Social Media tool (Undernet): Kin software developed by Thomas Mertz, Per Sikker Hansen, Alena Košinárová, Richard Wetzel, and Daniel Sundström
Workshop design: Johanna Koljonen & Bjarke Pedersen
Runtime lead: Johanna Koljonen
Runtime organizing and NPC coordination: David Pusch
Runtime organizing and location coordination: Daniel Thikötter
Runtime organizing: Monica Traxl & Bjarke Pedersen
Creative consulting: René Kragh Pedersen, Maiju Ruusunen & Sarah Lynne Bowman
Documentation lead: Brody Condon
Documentation: Keren Chernizon & Tuomas Hakkarainen
White Wolf: Karim Muammar & Martin Ericsson
Production: White Wolf Publishing and Participation Design Agency
30.1.2018 – nordiclarp.org / the book Shuffling the Deck: Juhana Pettersson: The Death of Hamlet – Deconstructing the Character in Enlightenment in Blood
29.5.2017 – nordiclarp.org / Sarah Lynne Bowman: Enlightenment in Blood: A Pervasive World of Darkness Nordic Larp